Now Hiring For The Following Positions: Medical assistant, Licensed Professional Nurse.
You Care About Your Health & So Do We!
Address: 2593 Development Drive #240, Green Bay, WI 54301
Phone: 920-737-1625 Fax: 920-239-6061
Cancer Is As Unique As You Are.
Your Treatment Should Be Too.
Learn more about functional cancer care at Lindgren Functional Medicine.
As illustrated in the accompanying graphic, a diagnosis can result from multiple causes. For instance, depression may stem from various factors, including inflammation. Conversely, a single cause like inflammation can lead to multiple diagnoses, such as depression.
The specific manifestation of each cause is influenced by an
individual's genes, environment, and lifestyle.
Only treatments that target the underlying cause will provide
lasting benefits beyond mere symptom suppression.
What Is Functional Medicine?
Functional Medicine Is A Systems Biology-Based Approach
That Aims To Identify & Address The Root Causes of Disease
Recognizing each symptom or diagnosis may be one of many
factors contributing to an individual's overall illness.