Here in the United States, ozone therapy has gained attention in recent years for its potential health benefits as an alternative medical treatment for everything from cancer to Covid. This therapy involves the administration of ozone gas into the body via intravenous infusion (ozone immunotherapy or autohemotherapy), rectal/vaginal/ear insufflation, drinkable ozonated water, and ozonated oils. Ozone is a form of oxygen with three atoms instead of the usual two. The use of ozone therapy spans various medical fields, owing to its unique properties and potential therapeutic effects. The Healing Power of Ozone Therapy Me, circa 2015: OK – hold on just a minute. “Healing Power” and “Ozone” in the same sentence? Please. I wasn’t born yesterday. If I remember one thing about chemistry, (honestly, I might only remember one thing from chemistry) it’s that ozone is bad. I’m pretty sure it’s pollution or something. Wait… It’s smog, isn’t it smog?
(…quick Google search…)
I knew it. Smog. Are you going to try convincing me that smog and pollution have health benefits? This should be good. Me, circa 2023: Yes. Yes, I am. Well, not the pollution part, but the ozone – yes. Wait until you hear this:
Ozone therapy is actually good for you. Introduction Wikipedia, certainly the most accurate and trusted of all free online encyclopedic health information, states:"Ozone therapy has been sold as an unproven treatment for various illnesses, including cancer, a practice which has been characterized as "pure quackery". The therapy can cause serious adverse effects, including death." 'Including death', you say. Yikes. That’s a degree of medical disinformation I don’t typically like to start with, but I’ve taken bigger punches in the past few years. Real science has me comfortable starting in the hole these days, so let’s dig in:) First, oxygen is a fundamental building block of life. Ozone therapy is a type of oxygen therapy – and it isn’t new or unproven. It’s old. It’s been proven. The use of ozone gas as a ‘medical therapy’ dates as far back as the late 19th century. There are currently over 31,000 studies archived in PubMed alone detailing the health benefits of ozone therapy. Where are these mysterious studies? You heard me: - The government’s own website. In Europe (and many other countries), ozone therapy is considered 100% mainstream and covered by insurance. Initially used in high doses for disinfecting viruses and bacteria, its applications using much lower doses has expanded into treating various chronic diseases, enhancing the immune system, and improving oxygen utilization in the body. So, what is ozone and how is it different from oxygen? What Is Ozone Our cells run on oxygen. More specifically, the mitochondria INSIDE of our cells use oxygen to create adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is the actual fuel our cells use to operate. As a single atom, oxygen is unstable. It’s lonely. It wants to be married to another oxygen atom – probably another more attractive oxygen atom with a high-income bracket. Let’s just be honest. Well, we don’t always get what we want, but in the case of atomic oxygen, it did. In its common, more stable, molecular form, “oxygen” is two oxygen atoms happily married together. This is commonly referred to as “O2”. This is the form of oxygen in the air we breathe. O2 still has severe volatility issues but that isn’t entirely relevant for this blog. Just avoid lighting matches near your local oxygen tank and you should be ok. Ozone is also oxygen, but it’s 3 atoms stuck together, not two. When regular old oxygen is exposed to electricity (think lightning storm), the two atoms can be ripped apart into their previous unstable states of solidarity. A sad situation for an oxygen molecule. But because they are so insecure as a one couple party, they immediately scramble to recouple – they hook up with just about any other single at the party. Here and there, lone oxygen atoms temporarily bind with TWO other oxygen atoms, thus becoming more than their usual two-molecule state. In doing so, they form a preverbal threesome, or ‘throuple’ (O3), to use a word of today’s vernacular. This throuple is ozone. Ozone is created from oxygen when exposed to specific electrical forces, certain ranges of UV light, and it is even naturally produced in the human body. Ozone (O3) is a pale blue gas with a distinct odor. Some say it smells like rain. Unlike (or just like) real life, oxygen throuples are volatile. They just don’t stick together for very long. The ‘three’s a crowd’ principle takes over and one of the oxygen atoms gets kicked out of the relationship. Our lone oxygen molecule is now back to being alone and desperate. It’s become an ‘oxidant’. We typically think of oxidants as bad. Much of chronic disease is driven by excessive free radical oxidative stress. In high doses, ozone can do the same. In low doses, however, ozone behaves more like a homeopathic treatment that stimulates and stabilizes. It doesn’t suppress or augment our biologic functions, but rather induces the body’s own repair pathways to create healing effects. It’s this unique mechanism that allows ozone therapy to be beneficial and applicable in essentially any dysregulation in the body, regardless of the actual diagnosis. Ozone is extremely powerful, but when used correctly, it is also extremely safe. So how can something powerful enough to disinfect your hunting gear be safe enough to mainline into a human? Simply put, it comes down to two things: dose and evolution. Our healthy cells have evolved mechanisms to manage the oxidative arm of ozone, whereas pathogenic microorganisms and cancer cells have not. Bad bacteria and damaged cells are essentially destroyed on contact. At the same time, our normal but dysregulated or inflamed cells respond favorably to the low dose oxidative stress and snap back into perfect working order. There’s one caveat here, and that’s pulmonary tissue. The cells that line our lungs are the only ones in the body that do not have the capacity to manage the oxidative stress of ozone. For this reason, breathing too much of it in is the only dangerous route of administration. In the medical setting, ozone is created by passing pure oxygen gas through a tube exposed to a directed energy field. This energy breaks apart the molecules creating a mixture of both oxygen and ozone. For medical applications, ozone can never be made from room air. Recall from "Are you smarter than a 5th grader", that the air we breathe is 80% nitrogen. Passing nitrogen through an ozone generator is a no go. It is converted to nitric and nitrous oxide, both of which are highly toxic. This is why it is critically important that only pure oxygen is used to generate ozone used for medical purposes. Medical Applications of Ozone Therapy 1. Antibacterial and Antiviral Effects Ozone's strong oxidizing properties make it effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It disrupts the integrity of pathogenic microbial cell walls and interferes with their metabolic processes, leading to their inactivation or death. This makes ozone therapy useful in treating infections, especially those resistant to traditional antibiotics. 2. Enhancing Immune Response Ozone therapy can modulate the immune system. It stimulates the production of white blood cells, which play a crucial role in defending the body against infections. Additionally, ozone therapy enhances the release of cytokines, molecules that help regulate immune responses, thus boosting the body's natural defense mechanisms. 3. Improving Oxygen Utilization Ozone therapy improves the efficiency of oxygen utilization in the body. By enhancing the release of oxygen from the blood to tissues, it helps in conditions where oxygen supply is critical, like ischemic diseases. Improved oxygenation can lead to better overall cellular function and health. 4. Antioxidant Effect Despite being an oxidant, ozone therapy can stimulate the body's antioxidant defense system. It triggers the production of enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase, which neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. This paradoxical effect contributes to reducing oxidative stress, a factor in many chronic diseases. 5. Pain Relief & Anti-Inflammatory Properties Ozone therapy has been shown to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. It is beneficial in conditions like arthritis, back pain, and fibromyalgia. The therapy can reduce the production of pro-inflammatory molecules, thereby easing pain and swelling in affected areas. 6. Cardiovascular Health Ozone therapy may benefit heart health by improving blood flow and reducing the risk of plaque formation in arteries. Its ability to enhance oxygen delivery and reduce oxidative stress contributes to better cardiovascular function. 7. Diabetes Management For diabetic patients, ozone therapy can help in managing blood sugar levels and reducing complications. Its effects on improving circulation and combating infections are particularly beneficial in diabetic foot ulcers, a common complication of diabetes. Methods of Ozone Therapy Administration Intravenous Ozone Therapy: Ozone is mixed with blood and re-infused into the body. This method is often used for systemic effects. Insufflation: Ozone gas is introduced into the body through natural openings, like the rectum or vagina, to treat localized issues. Rectal ozone is ultimately delivered systematically as it is absorbed and redistributed throughout the bloodstream.
Topical Application: Ozone-infused oils or ointments are applied to the skin for treating wounds, burns, or infections.
Ozone Saunas: The body is exposed to ozone through the skin in a controlled sauna environment, promoting detoxification, and skin health.
Safety & Side Effects Done correctly, ozone therapy is incredibly safe. Certain applications can even be done at home. In general, however, this treatment modality should be performed by a trained professional. Potential side effects can include discomfort at the administration site and respiratory irritation if inhaled. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before undergoing ozone therapy. Conclusion Ozone therapy offers a range of potential health benefits, from fighting infections to enhancing immune responses and improving cardiovascular health. While it's not necessarily a standalone substitute for conventional medical treatments, it can be a valuable complementary therapy. As with any medical treatment, it's important to consider the benefits and risks and consult with a healthcare professional before proceeding. Future Research & Considerations The field of ozone therapy is still evolving. As scientific evidence and experience grows, so does the potential for integrating ozone therapy into medical practice, offering more options for patients seeking treatments that address the root cause of illness and disease. With its diverse applications and potential benefits, it's an exciting potential treatment option for countless patients who are still struggling to regain wellness as well as for those patients who seek to maintain or achieve optimal health.